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Thursday 28 April 2016

Why Cats scared with cucumber

Posted by Unknown

Here's an explanation of the Experts Why Cats Fear cucumber

Why cats are afraid of cucumbers finally answered. This clarification was required after lately in the world of internet enlivened by videos and pictures that show the cat afraid to cucumbers.The cats jumped in the air, ready to fight, and they will be run after see the cucumber.

The question is, why the cats are afraid of cucumbers? Is their ancestors also had a history of 'hostility' with that green fruit ? LOL...Do not be too quick prejudiced!.Referring to the statement IFL Science, cat is afraid of everything that suddenly slipped behind-including cucumbers.

If the owner of sneaking the pineapple instead, they'll also show the same response startled jump.Animal behavior specialist Dr Roger Mugford said, 'I think that this reaction is caused by something new and unexpected; suddenly there are things that slip when their head is more focused on the food bowl.

Cats have an awareness of what is not known.It can be a cucumber is a representation of a snake or other predator. I suspect they will show the same reaction when encountering a spider toys, plastic fish, or masks of human faces, on the sidelines of their feet, 'added Mugrord. Really? It's time to give it a try!


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