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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Saturday 30 April 2016

Benefit Eat Apple

Posted by Unknown

Benefits Eat Apple

Apples are a type of fruit is usually red, but there are also apple green and yellow. Her skin was a little soft, hard fruit and have some seeds in it. Besides apples taste good apparently also has properties and health benefits for you.Apples contain vitamin C and are rich in antioxidants. According to the study, the efficacy of this apple can to reduce the risk of lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer as well as the fiber contained in apples can prevent heart disease, weight control, and lowers cholesterol.

Apple seed is slightly toxic because it contains amygdalin, but not harmful to humans. Content full of apples that contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and VITC and there are also a number of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and other elements like phytochemicals, fiber, tannins, baron and acid tartar.

20 benefits and efficacy of apple for health and beauty:

1.Nourish the digestive tract-A study using mice given apple extract and the results are amazing, 43% of mice given apple exposed to lower risk of colon cancer. If the apple extracts have similar effects in rats, humans can also feel a possible effect.

2.Healthy women's breasts-By eating apples regularly a woman's breast cancer can be prevented early on.

3.Healthy liver-Anti-oxidants in apples could protect the liver against cancer, because that can be efficacy apples for healthy hearts.

4.Controlling blood sugar levels-Although apple sweet , apple can control blood sugar levels effectively. It is the same when we observe the efficacy of honey.

5.Lowering cholesterol-By eating 2 apples every its prove can lower cholesterol by 16%.

6.Lose weight-Apple has fiber which can help digestion, so apples are also able to lose weight.

7.Assisting small intestine-Eating apples regularly can prevent constipation and other digestive disorders.

8.Prevent dementia-From a research done from cornell university named for nourishment apple apples contain quercetin, which apparently serves to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

9.Treating anemia-Iron is found in apples can improve hemoglobin in the blood.

10.Returns your stamina-Just as the benefits of eggs, apples can also restore stamina for potassium and enzymes that can relieve fatigue and reduce lactic acid in the body.

11.Restoring the body's fatigue-The balance of the body's health can be obtained by eating apples regularly. If you are experiencing a tired, lethargic and limp then try to eat the apple.

12.Caring your teeth-Your teeth will be clean when often eat apples because the bacteria that damage the teeth can be lost by eating apples.

13.Caring Heart-Apple can treat the heart, and therefore from now consume apples regularly.

14.Prevent and treat arthritis-The content of nutrients in apple is believed to cure rheumatism.

15.Skin health care-The nutrients contained in apple can treat the skin, even skin is not only the body but also can treat the skin so that more people are using apple to cure acne.

16.Treating cell lung cancer-This is proved by studies involving 10,000 people where the people who consumed the apple does not risk lung cancer by 50%.

17.Healthy eyes-Efficacy apple is believed to nourish the eyes.

18.Treat and prevent asthma-According to the study, children were often drink apple juice are not attacked by the disease.

19.Preventing osteoporosis-Old time will be experienced by everyone. For anyone who does not want to suffer from osteoporosis, so from now consume apples because apples can benefit research for treating bone.

20.Educate the brain-In addition to preventing dementia, apples can also educate the brain because it contains acetylcholine in it.

Benefit apple was very extraordinary, besides can prevent and treat diseases.Apple is also very good for beauty care. Why not? as mentioned above can also savor apple slimming, skin care and dental's all a symbol of beauty and taken care of by the women. Conclusion: The efficacy of apple can also create health and beauty.

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Saturday 23 April 2016

10 Ways To Increase Your Productivity

Posted by Unknown

10 Ways to Increase Yourself Productivity And Healthy

Did you know that your health actually can affect the productivity of your day-to-day? If you are healthy, active, and dynamic, so your productivity will also be improved. But if you are sick, weak, tired, lethargic, and sluggish, then you will tend to procrastinate and declining productivity.

If your health is good, you will feel energetic and enthusiastic. However, if your health is poor, everyday you will feel weak and unproductive. It is certainly very relevant. That is why, you have to really focus on taking care of your health so that you can stay productive and energetic.

Here the things you can do to maintain health and improve productivity in addition to eating nutritious foods and exercising of course is to keep the body fit and healthy. Below, there are some things that help you to increase productivity itself. What is it?

Your activity level determines your productivity level

Research shows that people can be more productive when they are physically active, which means regular exercise and regular activity can make the body more productive. You can choose the type of exercise or activity regularly to ensure that your life will be in order to do these things. Your mood and your productivity will be increased gradually.

Wake up early

Wake-up is also one of the healthiest way to increase productivity is better, according to studies that have been done. Not only that, getting up early is also good for health. The quality of your sleep can increase when you can wake up early because you will be forced to bed early every day. You can avoid staying up late and avoid insomnia.

Familiarize breakfast

It is also one of the most important for improving productivity. Nutrients in your breakfast can affect your mood and your energy level to continue today until tonight. Therefore, any breakfast you choose must be completely healthy and nutritious.

Try a healthy lunch menu

Usually after lunch will make you drowsy, from now on, select menu lunch healthy and nutritious and keep you from feeling sleepy. You can select menu of salads and fresh fruit juices.

Meditation before going to the office

If you have a habit of meditating, try increasing the meditation twice a day,Before leaving office, and after coming home from work. Meditation before work can improve your focus and concentration on that day. While meditation is done after work helps you to relax and feel relaxed.

Little relaxation after returning from office

Before you go to bed at night, when returning from offices try to do some breathing exercises to relax and relax the body. This will help you sleep well that night, and will help you to wake up and feel refreshed the next day.

Do not solely rely on caffeine

Although caffeine in coffee can give you a boost, however, need to know that it can also make you an overdose of caffeine in the long run and can affect productivity and your health.

Instead of drinking coffee with caffeine, try to eat fruits such as bananas, or lemon juice, or orange juice when you want to refresh your body.

Consumption of fruit

What you eat also affects your productivity level too. Always choose foods that can speed up your metabolism and keep you active. Try to eat fruit. Do not eat foods that will actually make you weak and lazy.

Sports and see nature

Try jogging in the morning when you have spare time, or try to swim once a week, or if you want something different, try biking in Park City. Enjoy nature outside your routine can help you to increase productivity.

When exhausted, listen to music to enhance the mood

One of the thing can improve mood and productivity is by listening to music. Try listening to your favorite music, rhythmic encouraging. Undoubtedly you will come back refreshed and ready to continue the activity.

Some of the above can you do every day so that it becomes a healthy routine, so it can help you to increase your productivity. In addition to good health, increase productivity can help you to be productive, so you will not waste a lot of time and be able to complete the jobs on time. Good luck!

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Friday 22 April 2016

dangers smoking

Posted by Unknown

Smoke Threatens Children

Passive smokers are people who are forced to inhale secondhand smoke coming from smokers. The concentration of toxic chemicals contained in secondhand smoke is more than the concentration of smoke inhaled by the smoker actively. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk to suffer from various health problems. They tend to have problems like cough, asthma and lung infections and ear.

Give Your Kids Healthy Living

They may have suffered due to prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke. They will grow up to believe smoking is a normal habit. The power of their minds may become moist and eventually life miserable. Do not do this to them.

Stop smoking - If not for yourself. Do it for your children.

Cigarette Smoke Harmful to Children

  • Your kids are so valuable, they bring joy and happiness to you.
  • Their memories will bring a smile to your lips.
  • Take care of them, loved them.
  • Give your children a good start in life.
  • Be sure to secure their health and their future is bright.
  • Stop poisoning them with cigarette smoke.

Smoking Causes Impotence

  • Cigarettes contain a variety of hazardous substances, including nicotine.
  • Smoking and nicotine addiction caused the suspension.
  • Nicotine causes blood vessels to the penis become narrow and clogged. With that nicotine causes impotence.
  • The quality of your sperm will be impaired.
  • The ability to produce erections and sexual appetite will decrease be weak.

Your Sex Will Be Bothered
  • Sex is important in our lives.
  • It helps you enjoy a beautiful wedding.
  • Save yourself from impotence
  • Do not let yourself become a victim of nicotine.
  • Be smart, do not smoke.

Think About Your Partner

Marriage is a wonderful starting point for a pure relationship. Impotence would contribute to discontent and lead to cracking of the household.

Do not be selfish, stop smoking. Think about others, think about your partner.

Smoking Causes Stroke
  • Chemical released by the smoke will affect the organs in the body. Smoking increases the risk of dangerous diseases and cause 10-12% of deaths in Malaysia. Stroke (Stroke) is strongly associated with smoking.
  • The effects of nicotine caused by smoking damages the blood vessels.
  • Blood vessel walls become thick and narrow, and thus the blood flow will be difficult.
  • Stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels in the brain.
  • Part of your body may be paralyzed and you may die.

Reduce your risk of stroke
  • Smoking increases the risk of stroke
  • Reduce your risk by quitting smoking.
  • Do not let yourself and your family life suffer.
  • Help yourself.
  • Practice a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not smoke.

Stop smoking
  • Do not smoke. A great future awaits you and your family.
  • Do healthy activities such as sports and hobby.
  • Life would be meaningless if it does not get tangled with addiction to waste.
  • Say it in a positive way.
  • Active. Free yourself from the chains of addiction.

Smoking Causes Heart Attacks.

Smoking is a bad habit. Unfortunately 50% of men smoke in Malaysia. Smoking is a major risk factor for the disease is dangerous and causes 10-12% of deaths in Malaysia. A heart attack is associated with smoking.

Love Your Heart
  • Smoking increases the risk of heart attack.
  • Reduce your risk by quitting smoking.
  • Do not allow smoking kills you.
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke.
  • Learn to love your heart.
  • Do not smoking.

Alarming Facts Of Smoking
  • 50% of men in Malaysia are smokers.
  • In Kuala Lumpur, the ratio between male and female smokers under the age of 30 years is 5:1.
  • Smoking rates of youth and women is increasing. 25% of students age 15 and older had tried smoking and 70% of this group will become smokers when they left school.
  • 60-75% of cigarette smoke inhaled by non-smokers.
  • Only 50% of smokers will be able to reach the age of 70 years.
  • Malaysians spent RM1.5 billion annually to buy cigarettes.

Smoking Causes Lung Cancer

Smoke produced nearly 4,000 toxic chemicals and 53 of these chemicals can cause cancer. Smoking increases the risk of fatal diseases such as lung cancer. It is the most common cancer among men and is strongly associated with smoking. If you do, the chances of recovery are very slim.

Save Yourself From Lung Cancer
  • Each suction bring fatal.
  • Why poison yourself?
  • Do not let the cigarette smoke damage the lungs.
  • Save yourself from lung cancer.
  • Acting wise, do not smoke.

Your Family and Loved Ones

Family and friends will definitely be sad if they know that you are suffering from lung cancer. Emotional will be disturbed when your life is destroyed front their eyes.Your life will only revolve around the medical.

Stop smoking - If not for yourself, do it for your children.

Toxic Substances in Cigarette Smoke

There are thousands of toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke.Below are just a few ingredients and where it is often found.

The chemicals in cigarettes and chemical sources
  • Methanol=Fuel
  • Nitrobenzene=gasoline
  • Carbon monoxide=smoke car
  • Butane=Lighter fluid
  • Mercury=Metal in thermometers
  • Vinyl Chloride=The main plastic materials
  • Toulena=industrial solvents
  • Ammonia=Floor cleaner
  • Arsenic=Rat poison
  • Cadmium=The main ingredient of alkaline batteries
  • Stearic=The main ingredient in candles
  • Cyanide=poison

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Thursday 21 April 2016

Benefits and Advantage drink water

Posted by Unknown


The following 8 reasons I want to share to you all about the benefits of drinking water.

1. Managing body

Good news for women who are dieting. White water contains no calories, sugar or fat and proved able to reduce our weight.

2. Increase Fertility

White water can produce the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

3. digestive system

Drinking water in quantities of eight glasses every day will launch the digestive system. It can avoid getting constipated but also burning calories will run efficiently.

4. Slow the growth process substances that cause cancer

Water not only slows the growth of cancer-causing substances but it can also help prevent diseases of the liver and kidneys.

5. Beauty Care

The lack of white water intake causes body difficulties to absorb water, thus resulting in dry skin and wrinkles.

6. The body is more fresh and healthy

Benefits of water not only to clean the body, but also as a substance that our bodies need. We may be able to survive if we do not eat for several days but is not likely to survive if they do not drink water. This is because water is the largest in the composition of the human body.

7. Healthy Heart

Water is also believed to cure heart disease. Even today there are many who take advantage of alternative medicine use plain water.

8. medicating stroke

Water is not only used to treat various skin diseases, but it is very effective to cure paralysis. This is because water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as the launch of the circulatory system and respiratory system.

water cure various kinds of diseases

Study scientists found the practice of drinking water as well as getting out of bed every morning have benefits. Japanese Medical Society, for example, managed to prove in certain cases. This practice is able to recover after a serious illness.

Among the diseases included in the research association in the country of the rising sun is a headache, body aches, heart system, arthristis, rapid heartbeat, epilepsy, excess fat, bronchitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney, and infections of the urine.

However, the practice of drinking plain water after wake up need to boost the number of rules to ensure its effectiveness.

1. Drink four glasses of water (160ml) after wake up every morning and before brushing your teeth.

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything during the 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. After 15 minutes take breakfast, lunch and dinner . After that do not eat or drink for a period of      two hours.

5. For patients who are elderly and tired to drink four glasses of water at once at the beginning ,method of this treatment with drinking water in stages so as to achieve four cups a day.

6. The method of treatment is believed to treat various diseases in a given period.

  • High blood pressure is 30 days.
  • Gastric 10 days.
  • Diabetes 30 days
  • Constipation 10 days
  • Cancer 18 days
  • Tuberculosis 90 days
7. Arthritis patients should follow the treatment only for three days. This treatment
   does not have any side effects except in the early stages patients may urinate frequently.

          1.Therefore, try to sleep. Do not sleep late at night.

          2.The water content in the body which reached 90% work in the process of digestion,                    absorption, food, cycle, produce saliva, triggers the body's nutrients, and maintain body       temperature.

         3.When muscles feel sore and tired, it signals our body fluids not in balance. Therefore, it is advisable to drink plenty of water before and during sports to replace fluids lost through sweating.

4.Water also works and is able to control the calories, it can reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Vegetables, soup, wheat and pulses between foods that contain lots of water and having a slow absorption. This causes us to feel full and it is easy to reduce the calories.

5.'Waste' is the main body 'urea nitrogen which dissolves in water, then filtered by the kidneys and excreted through urine. Kidney will work with water if the water in the body balanced. Body enough water to produce a light-colored urine, odorless and flowing smoothly.

6.Water also serves to keep the digestive process. If the water in the body less, the colon will reabsorb fluid from the dirt. This situation will cause constipation or difficult bowel movements because it is too dry.

These benefits and advantages of water or more in the know of boiled water or plain water. But do not forget that, if you drink too much water can also cause water intoxication decision quickly. Water intoxication occurs when water reduce the level of sodium in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.


Water was undoubtedly a most important chemical compound on earth. It is the backbone of life and not an exaggeration if we say, 'if there is no water, there is no life.' It is also a major factor why the earth was chosen among other planets as absolute residence for all forms of life, as the earth is the planet that moisture and rich in water. 70.9% of the earth's surface is water.

History has shown, great civilizations formation is caused by water. The existence of Mesopotamia civilization is due to the existence of the Tigris River, while the life of the ancient Egyptian civilization is because his Nile flowing constantly throughout the year without interruption. It is a basic human requirement number one! We may live for a month without food, but without water, we may be dead less than a week!

Selection of water is also important to make sure we get 100% benefits. Telling someone to drink water that does not mean one should drink coffee, coca-cola, or any kind of drink sweet. But preferably, get that look more natural water such as water, physical appearance looks like water, and it is also like water.What Water is it? Of course it's 'plain water' or some call it 'Empty Water'.

There are several reasons why you should drink enough plain water.

1. 60% of the human body is water

Humans need at least 3 liters of water every day. Water is essential for the body because it would be more consistent blood pressure and makes the heart work more consistently. Water also serves to bring out all the toxins / impurities produced in the human body (released through sweat and urine).

2. Zero Calories

There's no reason for you not want to drink plain water because it does not contain any calories.

3. The lowest Alkaline

Most meals are taken such as rice, potatoes, sweets, fatty foods, and protein is acidic in nature. The presence of plain water that is slightly alkaline necessarily neutralize the pH of food consumed.

4. Strengthen metabolism

Take plain water after meals to help smoothen the digestive system, while improving the energy release process.

5. Solvents nutrients

Water-soluble vitamins such as B complex and vitamin C needs water as a solvent. Water is also a major medium that carries all the nutrients like this to all members of the body that need.

6. Reduce the risk of heart disease

A six-year research in 2002 by the American Journal of Epidemiology found those who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less risk of dying from a heart attack.

7. Reduce the risk of cancer

Intake of adequate amounts of water also has been shown to be able to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45% and the risk of bladder cancer by 50%. It also has the potential to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

8. Soften skin naturally

Water is essential in helping the body's cells become fresh. It is not excluded that human skin cells and fat necessarily need enough water to look moist and not dry.

9. Balance the body temperature

The temperature of the human body can be balanced with an adequate intake of plain water. Those who lack drinking water, particularly water plain necessarily seem lackluster and the body will feel a little hot. You can feel yourself these symptoms in the evening when fasting. This is because your body lacks water.

10. Prevents fatigue and dizziness

Naturally there are many reasons why a person is tired or dizzy. However, you do not know the lack of water in the body also (dehydration) is the main factor why a person has a headache or fatigue. If you feel ache and see a doctor, the first question that the doctor will ask you is, 'Today you drink plain water or not? How many times?'

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