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Thursday 21 April 2016

Benefits and Advantage drink water

Posted by Unknown


The following 8 reasons I want to share to you all about the benefits of drinking water.

1. Managing body

Good news for women who are dieting. White water contains no calories, sugar or fat and proved able to reduce our weight.

2. Increase Fertility

White water can produce the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

3. digestive system

Drinking water in quantities of eight glasses every day will launch the digestive system. It can avoid getting constipated but also burning calories will run efficiently.

4. Slow the growth process substances that cause cancer

Water not only slows the growth of cancer-causing substances but it can also help prevent diseases of the liver and kidneys.

5. Beauty Care

The lack of white water intake causes body difficulties to absorb water, thus resulting in dry skin and wrinkles.

6. The body is more fresh and healthy

Benefits of water not only to clean the body, but also as a substance that our bodies need. We may be able to survive if we do not eat for several days but is not likely to survive if they do not drink water. This is because water is the largest in the composition of the human body.

7. Healthy Heart

Water is also believed to cure heart disease. Even today there are many who take advantage of alternative medicine use plain water.

8. medicating stroke

Water is not only used to treat various skin diseases, but it is very effective to cure paralysis. This is because water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as the launch of the circulatory system and respiratory system.

water cure various kinds of diseases

Study scientists found the practice of drinking water as well as getting out of bed every morning have benefits. Japanese Medical Society, for example, managed to prove in certain cases. This practice is able to recover after a serious illness.

Among the diseases included in the research association in the country of the rising sun is a headache, body aches, heart system, arthristis, rapid heartbeat, epilepsy, excess fat, bronchitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney, and infections of the urine.

However, the practice of drinking plain water after wake up need to boost the number of rules to ensure its effectiveness.

1. Drink four glasses of water (160ml) after wake up every morning and before brushing your teeth.

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything during the 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. After 15 minutes take breakfast, lunch and dinner . After that do not eat or drink for a period of      two hours.

5. For patients who are elderly and tired to drink four glasses of water at once at the beginning ,method of this treatment with drinking water in stages so as to achieve four cups a day.

6. The method of treatment is believed to treat various diseases in a given period.

  • High blood pressure is 30 days.
  • Gastric 10 days.
  • Diabetes 30 days
  • Constipation 10 days
  • Cancer 18 days
  • Tuberculosis 90 days
7. Arthritis patients should follow the treatment only for three days. This treatment
   does not have any side effects except in the early stages patients may urinate frequently.

          1.Therefore, try to sleep. Do not sleep late at night.

          2.The water content in the body which reached 90% work in the process of digestion,                    absorption, food, cycle, produce saliva, triggers the body's nutrients, and maintain body       temperature.

         3.When muscles feel sore and tired, it signals our body fluids not in balance. Therefore, it is advisable to drink plenty of water before and during sports to replace fluids lost through sweating.

4.Water also works and is able to control the calories, it can reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Vegetables, soup, wheat and pulses between foods that contain lots of water and having a slow absorption. This causes us to feel full and it is easy to reduce the calories.

5.'Waste' is the main body 'urea nitrogen which dissolves in water, then filtered by the kidneys and excreted through urine. Kidney will work with water if the water in the body balanced. Body enough water to produce a light-colored urine, odorless and flowing smoothly.

6.Water also serves to keep the digestive process. If the water in the body less, the colon will reabsorb fluid from the dirt. This situation will cause constipation or difficult bowel movements because it is too dry.

These benefits and advantages of water or more in the know of boiled water or plain water. But do not forget that, if you drink too much water can also cause water intoxication decision quickly. Water intoxication occurs when water reduce the level of sodium in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.


Water was undoubtedly a most important chemical compound on earth. It is the backbone of life and not an exaggeration if we say, 'if there is no water, there is no life.' It is also a major factor why the earth was chosen among other planets as absolute residence for all forms of life, as the earth is the planet that moisture and rich in water. 70.9% of the earth's surface is water.

History has shown, great civilizations formation is caused by water. The existence of Mesopotamia civilization is due to the existence of the Tigris River, while the life of the ancient Egyptian civilization is because his Nile flowing constantly throughout the year without interruption. It is a basic human requirement number one! We may live for a month without food, but without water, we may be dead less than a week!

Selection of water is also important to make sure we get 100% benefits. Telling someone to drink water that does not mean one should drink coffee, coca-cola, or any kind of drink sweet. But preferably, get that look more natural water such as water, physical appearance looks like water, and it is also like water.What Water is it? Of course it's 'plain water' or some call it 'Empty Water'.

There are several reasons why you should drink enough plain water.

1. 60% of the human body is water

Humans need at least 3 liters of water every day. Water is essential for the body because it would be more consistent blood pressure and makes the heart work more consistently. Water also serves to bring out all the toxins / impurities produced in the human body (released through sweat and urine).

2. Zero Calories

There's no reason for you not want to drink plain water because it does not contain any calories.

3. The lowest Alkaline

Most meals are taken such as rice, potatoes, sweets, fatty foods, and protein is acidic in nature. The presence of plain water that is slightly alkaline necessarily neutralize the pH of food consumed.

4. Strengthen metabolism

Take plain water after meals to help smoothen the digestive system, while improving the energy release process.

5. Solvents nutrients

Water-soluble vitamins such as B complex and vitamin C needs water as a solvent. Water is also a major medium that carries all the nutrients like this to all members of the body that need.

6. Reduce the risk of heart disease

A six-year research in 2002 by the American Journal of Epidemiology found those who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less risk of dying from a heart attack.

7. Reduce the risk of cancer

Intake of adequate amounts of water also has been shown to be able to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45% and the risk of bladder cancer by 50%. It also has the potential to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

8. Soften skin naturally

Water is essential in helping the body's cells become fresh. It is not excluded that human skin cells and fat necessarily need enough water to look moist and not dry.

9. Balance the body temperature

The temperature of the human body can be balanced with an adequate intake of plain water. Those who lack drinking water, particularly water plain necessarily seem lackluster and the body will feel a little hot. You can feel yourself these symptoms in the evening when fasting. This is because your body lacks water.

10. Prevents fatigue and dizziness

Naturally there are many reasons why a person is tired or dizzy. However, you do not know the lack of water in the body also (dehydration) is the main factor why a person has a headache or fatigue. If you feel ache and see a doctor, the first question that the doctor will ask you is, 'Today you drink plain water or not? How many times?'


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