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Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Monday 25 April 2016

The japanese success Stories

Posted by Unknown

The Japanese Success Stories

Who has never heard of the country of Japan? Tokyo is the city's number one in Asia and four in the world. Japan is responsible for the creation of instant noodles, which changed the way the whole world to eat. The country is creating new products that are mind boggling. They dominate in many American industries from cars to video games. They are also the world leader in industrial robotics.

The world's population has been horrified by the story of the nuclear bombing of the wrong committed the United States to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Almost ridiculous if it considers that the country has experienced the worst disasters in the history of the creation of the world has become the most successful countries in Asia and respected by the West to advance prosperity and progress.
No one has ever seen pictures of the terrible bombings in the past half century has given this country any chance to 'live' let alone to be as powerful as Japan that we know today.

What is the real secret of residents Rising Sun?

Between all nations in the world, one can say with full confidence that the Japanese people are very diligent. A Japanese worker can perform work normally done by 5-6 people. For example, a worker in Japan can produce a car in 9 days, while workers in other countries need 47 days to make the car worth the same!In college, professors are also common home tonight (appropriately morning), students do not want to make a quick return. Recorded, on average hours worked for employees in Japan is 2450 hours / year, far higher than the United States (1957 hours / year), Britain (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and France (1680 hours / year ).

Japan's population also said they be too strong to work until there is a phenomenon called Karoshi, meaning 'death for hard work'!Japan's population has never given up the black deck on a terrible night in the 20th century. Instead, they work together to form a strong state. Japan's strong economy is not as great creations of the engine, but because the power of the spirit and principles of the right to practice their people.Mahathir over the last decade impress with Japanese residents shy attitude. The Japanese are very shy until their home Windows always closed so as not to be seen. Members of the public are allowed to withdraw their names from the phone book if they want.

Anyone questioning would be considered rude. Another synonymous with shame them is a phenomenon that founded the clan Samurai Harakiri meaning 'suicide by sticking a knife into the stomach',usually due to embarrassment. For example, the minister who resigned after being involved in corruption or it failed to carry out their duties. Shame cause the system to become a regular on the Japanese people.They automatically form a line in any situation required such as the purchase of admission to the stadium to watch football, catch a bus, going to the toilet, too! They are ashamed of the people around when they break the rules or norms that have become common practice. Great, right?

The effects of the industrial revolution and the capitalist system that extends the culture, shopping becomes a favorite of people around the world, especially for woman but not in Japan. Japan's population is practicing anti-consumerist attitude in various spheres of life.For example, Japanese housewives are willing to ride a bicycle to the store vegetables are quite far away from home, just because it is cheaper 20 or 30 yen. Many families in Japan who do not have a car, not because they could not, but because more saving use the bus.

They professor compete with students ride bicycles to school. Residents also like to shop at hypermarkets around 7 and a half hours a night because of that time, the hypermarket will cut prices by half in about half an hour before the close at 8 pm. A good idea, not so?Next, the Japanese nation is quite ahead from other nations in Asia in terms of innovation. They are not very creative to create something, but they turned out to be wise to change the findings of others and then selling it in the form of a demand by the public.

Quite awkward if it comes to innovation without mentioning a figure of Japan is known for. Akio Morita, the CEO of Sony Walkman Sony has developed up until the year 1995 total sales reached 150 million! The story, Cassette Tape is not his invention, but it is owned by Phillip Electronics.Akio talent innovation has transforming the model to something called Walkman, which explodes product for decades. Who never had the Walkman, right?Generally we hear that a company can be considered great if they could make a young graduate working for more than 2 years as generation Y is very like the change of job. Abstinence no benefits or pay more, they will work more hard!

Thats how japanese success stories.

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Wednesday 9 March 2016

History Sultanate Of Johor

Posted by Unknown

History Sultanate of Johor


In 1528 Sultan Alauddin Shah of descent Riayat Melaka sultanate has opened a foothold in Johor and Johor Lama. This dynasty ruled Johor until 1699, the date of the death of Sultan Mahmood was allegedly killed by Megat Seri Rama (Laksamana Bintan). Sultan Mahmood has no legitimate heirs and by the management and administration of Johor Dynasty moved to the Treasurer of the ministers who helped Dynasty Malacca Sultanate.Because of the war and to maintain commercial power, the state capital of Johor moved 20 times along Sungai Johor including ultimately in Kepulauan Riau.

In 1769 Sultan Mahmood lll appointed as the Sultan Riau. He appoints Temenggong Abdul Hamid as Temenggong of Johor. Britain recognizes Temenggong Temenggong Abdul Rahman, son of Abdul Hamid as Temenggong Johor Singapore. This appointment is the starting point Temenggong dynasty ruled Johor. English turn appoint Sultan Husain son of the Sultan of Johor Sultan Mahmood Singapore in 1819.Temenggong Abdul Rahman son of Temenggong Johor Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim was appointed after the death of his father in 1825. His appointment was ratified 14 years after the death of his father due to the refusal of the British and doubts Sultan Husain. On March 10, 1855 the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ali Iskandar Shah has handed the entire government and the state of Johor Kesang territory unless the Temenggong Ibrahim through an agreement.The death of Sultan Ali on June 20, 1877 marked the end of Dynasty treasurer. After having supremacy Johor Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim Iskandar Puteri open City Tanjong Puteri in 1855.Starting from that date the administrative reins of the empire founded by modern Johor Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim and empowered and strengthened by Sultan Abu Bakar.

Under the Government of the Kingdom of Johor Temenggong Dynasty

Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim

Daeng Ibrahim replace his father Temenggong Abdul Rahman who died on December 8, 1825 as the Temenggong of Johor. With his wisdom as well as the full confidence of the British government handed over to Johor Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim Sultan Ali through the Treaty of March 10, 1855.

With this began the reign of the Sultanate of Johor modern Temenggong Dynasty. British intention was to make the interior of Johor as a lot of the growth of Singapore as a center for international trade, has enabled to make Johor Temenggong Ibrahim as a production pepper and through China Kangchu System and Jawa System Labor Contract.

1855 is the starting point of the modernization of Johor, Iskandar Puteri Temenggong Ibrahim opened as the Central Government of Johor to establish police stations, courts and other departments gradually. Efforts to develop Johor begins with creating security by eliminating piracy and promote children's education Malay.

Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim died on January 31, 1862 and is buried in the Tomb of the Temenggong in claypot Bay, Singapore.

Sultan Abu Bakar

Sultan Abu Bakar was born on February 3, 1833 when Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim died in 1862, Abu Bakr was appointed Dato 'Temenggong Seri Maharaja Johor, and in 1868 shortened the title of Emperor accordance with international standards among Majesty.He managed to strengthen the sovereignty and supremacy Johor Kesang when formally placed under his administration in 1877. By the Treaty Secretariat in 1885, Maharaja Abu Bakar and his heirs recognized by the British following the title Sultan of Johor. Following the Treaty Secretariat, he established the Royal Johor Military Force.Earlier in 1866, he changed the name of Iskandar Puteri Johor Bahru. In 1871, he redesigned the flag State and the personal flag of the king.

Bandar Johor Bahru and Johor continued to be developed, and Dato 'Jaafar Muhammad was appointed as the first Chief Minister of Johor. Various government departments established as the Treasury Department, the Police, Prisons, Department of Lands and Surveys,Works, Marine Department, Johor Arsenal, Medical, Post and Education. On 14 April 1895, Sultan Abu Bakar promulgate the Law of the Constitution of the State of Johor which is the first Malay to hold the law. Plantation pepper and developed by farmers bring in Chinese and Javanese laborers.In 1883 the Department of Education was established to advance the education of children Melayu Johor. He was crowned in 1886 with the crown of his own inspiration. During the ceremony he expressed Degree Degree Relatives and Mahkota Johor. Crown and awards it makes Johor first state to do so.

Sultan Ibrahim

Sultan Ibrahim was born on 17 September 1873 at the equivalent of 25 Rajab 1290 Angel Palace Singapore . Since childhood he has been given full care and leadership as the future king.At the age of 17, he began to be exposed to the outside world by his father Sultan Abu Bakar and ordered him to go to Europe in June 1890.Sultan Ibrahim was announce as the Sultan of Johor on 7 September 1895. To expand his knowledge as a ruler of Johor, he repeatedly went to Europe, Japan, China and the United States.

In 1908 during the reign of His Majesty, road trains across the State can be prepared, while the Causeway linking Johor Bahru and Singapore, was completed in 1924.Sultan Ibrahim was concerned it decreed compulsory education to all children through the Compulsory Education Act 1902. The Sultan also very concerned about the development of the Malay language.He has consented to become patron of the Alliance Royal Malay Literature Books (P.B.M.P.B Di-Raja) Johor. Religious Education developed by building schools and mosques.On February 2, 1900, Abu Bakar Mosque was officially opened. Songs 'Bangsa Johor' made the official state song is sing in official ceremonies and at school.

Although he was under pressure to appoint English D.G Campbell in 1910 as an adviser, he set given the title of General Counsel and not 'Resident Adviser' as in other states, and required officials melayu given equal status with English officer, and Malay be used as the official language of Government with emphasis in jawi. Sultan Ibrahim building at Bukit Timbalan which houses Government departments was completed in 1941.On September 17, 1955, the Jubilee celebration was held to commemorate 60 years he ruled the State of Johor. His death in London on Friday, may 8, 1959 and was entombed in the Royal Mausoleum at makam Mahmoodiah in Johor Bahru.

Sultan Ismail

Sultan Ismail Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim be prince on 28 October 1894 at Istana Semayam, Johor Bahru. On September 7, 1895, he was appointed the Tunku Mahkota of Johor, and proclaimed as the Sultan of Johor when his appointment as His his father, died in London on 8 May 1959. He was officially crowned on 10 February 1960.Sultan Ismail began to receive education English and Malay  in Johor Bahru and then continued His education in England with two of his brothers and Onn Jaafar in 1904.In 1910 He returned to Johor continued his studies at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar. In 1913, again He set off to London to learn about the administration of the State.

During the reign of Sultan Ismail , Johor State be developed and prosperous. Before appointed sultan, he was several times selected as Regent and capable of carrying out important tasks.Majesty had officiated the Malay Congress on 11 May 1946 at Istana Besar of Johor Bahru which leads to the formation of the UMNO.Sultan Ismail has received a salute of Monster parades celebrating victory courtesy of the English ruled the Malay Peninsula on 8 June 1946 at Jalan Ibrahim, Johor Bahru, after Japan surrendered.

When the Sultan, he is always paying attention to the development of the State of Johor, including the setting up of the Johor State Economic Development Corporation (PKENJ), Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tenggara (KEJORA), West Johor Project,Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), the Board of the Federal land consolidation and rehabilitation authority (FELCRA) and Pasir Gudang port.Airport in Senai, started operating in 1973. For the improvement of Islam, Islamic religious Council was also established during his reign. His death on 10 May 1981 equivalent to 6 Rajab 1401 H and was entombed in the Royal Mausoleum at makam Mahmoodiah in Johor Bahru.

Sultan Iskandar

Sultan Iskandar be a king on 8 April 1932 in Istana Semayam, Johor Bahru. He received his early education at Sekolah Rendah Ngee Heng, Johor Bahru and secondary education at the English College, Johor Bahru. In 1952, he took off to Australia to further their studies at Trinity Grammar School.After completing His secondary school studies in Isle of Wight, United Kingdom. In May 1959 He was appointed Tunku Mahkota of Johor.

Sultan Iskandar proclaimed as the Sultan of Johor on 11 May 1981. On 12 December, 1981, he was appointed as Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Skudai, Johor. On February 9, 1984 to 1989, he was appointed the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia eighth.Under his reign, Johor continued to grow. A variety of infrastructure development, housing, economy, education, religion is growing by leaps and bounds.South Johor development Region known as Iskandar Malaysia was launched by him.

The Government's new administrative centre known as Kota Iskandar in Nusajaya was inaugurated by him on 16 April 2009, equivalent to 20 Rabiul end of 1430 h.His death on 22 January 2010 and was laid on 23 January 2010 at makam Mahmoodiah Royal Mausoleum, Johor Bahru.

Sultan Ibrahim

Tunku Ibrahim was appointed as heir when his Royal Highness Sultan Iskandar of Johor and the throne proclaimed as the as the Tunku Mahkota of Johor on 3 July 1981.From 25 April 1984 to 25 April 1989 Tunku Mahkota Tunku Ibrahim was appointed as Regent during His Majesty the Sultan Iskandar was appointed as the King.Majesty make use of the period as Regent to gain more knowledge relevant to the business of the State as well as friendly with the people.

Tunku Mahkota Tunku Ibrahim fondly known as the Sultan of Johor on 23 January, 2010 on the death of his Royal Highness the Sultan Iskandar.Majesty is married to Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah Binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah and be given five Princes and a Princess.Enthusiastic spirit and tendency of marine activities of descendants inherited Temenggong make Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku is very fond of extreme sports.

During the five-year-old Tuanku drive speed boat in a boat competition. His Excellency the capable and qualified drive vessel, jet aircraft and helicopters and was the first Malay rulers which have a license to drive train.His Excellency the efficient horse riding and play polo. Tuanku is the Malay rulers which explore each corners of the State every year to foster with the people through the Kembara Mahkota since 2001.

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Summary History Of Malaysia

Posted by Unknown


The history of Malaysia is said to begin in the days of the Malacca Sultanate, namely around 1400 AD. At the time of its glory, the empire covering much of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. Melaka emerged as a glorious government because of its strategic location which is a meeting point between East Asia and West Asia. This situation allows Melaka emerged as a major trading center for the spice trade, especially in Southeast Asia.Islam emerged as a major religion that spread and become the main religion of the inhabitants of Melaka as the King himself was converted to the religion.

In 1511, Malacca fell to the Portuguese and the beginning of this year Malaya was in the colonial era. After that, Malaya fell to the Dutch in 1641 and eventually fell into the hands of the British in 1824 by the Anglo-Dutch. British Invasion was the longest occupation. Interfere in all the affairs of the British administration of Malaya which was previously managed by the rulers with the help of state dignitaries.British intervention has caused discontent among the locals. Some people rose up against the occupiers but because of their efforts to be more individual, the opposition easily broken by the British. Among the personalities who rose up against the occupiers is Dol Said, Tok Beard, Datuk Bahaman, Iris, Datuk Maharaja,Rosli Dobi and some other figures.

In the 1920s and 1930s, many residents of Malaya began to get an education, whether from the Middle East or the local education. As a result, the educated classes who began championing the spirit of nationalism. They use media such as newspapers and magazines to spread their ideology.Some of them have formed associations such as the Union Melayu Muda (KMM) and the Singapore Malay Union (KMS), which aims to expel the occupiers and establish self-government. When the people of this country are so eager to end the occupation,they were surprised by the Japanese landing at the end of 1941 which marked the beginning of another era of colonialism in Malaya. Japan had occupied Malaya until 1945 before giving up due to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Quitting Japan had allowed the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) for control of Malaya. MCP have been violent with killing and destroying public property with impunity, forcing the British to declare a state of emergency in Malaya (1948-1960).CPM violence not conquered Malaya and British returned to power. British returned after the Japanese occupation, they tried to introduce the Malayan Union. This recognition has received strong opposition from local residents and thorough. On May 11, 1946, the establishment of UMNO has fueled the rebellion and so sow the seeds of struggle toward self-government.

                             Date August 31, 1957 Malaya achieved independence


Independence of Malaya

The emergence of Tunku Abdul Rahman was a ray of hope to fight the people of Malaya at that when his actions formed the Alliance opened the eyes of the British to justify the occupation of Malaya administer their own country. The combination of the three major races, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian has shown positive results when the Treaty of London, signed on February 8, 1956 has signaled that Malaya would be independent on 31 August 1957. After independence was achieved, there was the problem in relation to the formation of Malaysia which combines Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

Opposition to this consolidation come from Parti Rakyat Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. However the desire to form a country called MALAYSIA met on 16 September 1963.

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