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Wednesday 9 March 2016

Summary History Of Malaysia

Posted by Unknown


The history of Malaysia is said to begin in the days of the Malacca Sultanate, namely around 1400 AD. At the time of its glory, the empire covering much of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. Melaka emerged as a glorious government because of its strategic location which is a meeting point between East Asia and West Asia. This situation allows Melaka emerged as a major trading center for the spice trade, especially in Southeast Asia.Islam emerged as a major religion that spread and become the main religion of the inhabitants of Melaka as the King himself was converted to the religion.

In 1511, Malacca fell to the Portuguese and the beginning of this year Malaya was in the colonial era. After that, Malaya fell to the Dutch in 1641 and eventually fell into the hands of the British in 1824 by the Anglo-Dutch. British Invasion was the longest occupation. Interfere in all the affairs of the British administration of Malaya which was previously managed by the rulers with the help of state dignitaries.British intervention has caused discontent among the locals. Some people rose up against the occupiers but because of their efforts to be more individual, the opposition easily broken by the British. Among the personalities who rose up against the occupiers is Dol Said, Tok Beard, Datuk Bahaman, Iris, Datuk Maharaja,Rosli Dobi and some other figures.

In the 1920s and 1930s, many residents of Malaya began to get an education, whether from the Middle East or the local education. As a result, the educated classes who began championing the spirit of nationalism. They use media such as newspapers and magazines to spread their ideology.Some of them have formed associations such as the Union Melayu Muda (KMM) and the Singapore Malay Union (KMS), which aims to expel the occupiers and establish self-government. When the people of this country are so eager to end the occupation,they were surprised by the Japanese landing at the end of 1941 which marked the beginning of another era of colonialism in Malaya. Japan had occupied Malaya until 1945 before giving up due to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Quitting Japan had allowed the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) for control of Malaya. MCP have been violent with killing and destroying public property with impunity, forcing the British to declare a state of emergency in Malaya (1948-1960).CPM violence not conquered Malaya and British returned to power. British returned after the Japanese occupation, they tried to introduce the Malayan Union. This recognition has received strong opposition from local residents and thorough. On May 11, 1946, the establishment of UMNO has fueled the rebellion and so sow the seeds of struggle toward self-government.

                             Date August 31, 1957 Malaya achieved independence


Independence of Malaya

The emergence of Tunku Abdul Rahman was a ray of hope to fight the people of Malaya at that when his actions formed the Alliance opened the eyes of the British to justify the occupation of Malaya administer their own country. The combination of the three major races, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian has shown positive results when the Treaty of London, signed on February 8, 1956 has signaled that Malaya would be independent on 31 August 1957. After independence was achieved, there was the problem in relation to the formation of Malaysia which combines Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

Opposition to this consolidation come from Parti Rakyat Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. However the desire to form a country called MALAYSIA met on 16 September 1963.


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