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Saturday 30 April 2016

What is ISIS?

Posted by Unknown

JSFF-Islamic State, also known as ISIS is a radical Islamist group which annexed much territory in eastern Syria and Iraq to the north and west.

Brutal strategy, including mass killings and abductions of members of religious and ethnic groups, as well as beheadings of soldiers and journalists, sparking fears and anger at the world and the US military intervention.

What ISIS want?
The group wants to establish a 'caliphate', a state dominated the religious and political leader according to Islamic law, or sharia. Although currently limited in Iraq and Syria, ISIS determined to 'break through the border' Jordan and Lebanon and 'liberate' Palestine.

They get support from Muslims in the world to declare loyalty to its leader, Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The origin of ISIS
ISIS is the forerunner of the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who founded the Tawhid wa al-Jihad in 2002. A year after the invasion of Iraq led by the United States, Zarqawi expressed support to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda in Iraq formed (AQI).

Tactics Zarqawi Al-Qaeda leader is seen as too extreme. In 2006, AQI established organization Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), which then weakened because of increased US forces and the establishment of a council Rise by Sunni Arab tribes who reject brutality.

After becoming leader in 2010, Baghdadi rebuilt ISIS. They were joined in the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, founded the al-Nusra Front.

April 2013, Baghdadi announced the merger of its teams in Iraq and Syria and the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). June 2014, ISIS control Mosul city, and advanced south towards Baghdad.

At the end of June, having seized control of several towns, ISIS said the establishment of the caliphate and changed its name to the Islamic State (Daulah Islamiyah).

Controlled areas
Some estimates suggest that ISIS and its allies dominate the 40,000 km2 of the territory of Iraq and Syria, about the size of Belgium.The cities they control such as Mosul, Tikrit, Falluja and Tal Afar in Iraq; Raqqa in Syria.

They control the oil fields, dams, major roads and border crossings.Eight million people are estimated to be under the rule of fully or partially ISIS.

How many militia?
US officials estimate about 15,000 active militia. Iraqi observers, Hisham al-Hashimi said at the beginning of August there are approximately 30,000-50,000 people.

What weapons ISIS?
Militia have access to or be able to use different types of small guns and heavy weapons, including machine guns on trucks, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft weapons systems and surface-to-air missile. They also seized tanks and armored vehicles Syrian and Iraqi military.

Where ISIS funded?
ISIS reported to have 2 billion dollars in cash and assets. Initially obtained financial support from a number of people in the Arab Gulf states.

Now ISIS is an organization that finance themselves, with the inclusion of millions of dollars per month from oil and gas fields, in addition to taxes, tolls, smuggling, extortion and kidnapping.

Why so brutal?
ISIS is a member of the Sunni militant interpretation of Islam in the extreme. They claim that the brutal action policies are verses of the Koran.

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Benefit Eat Apple

Posted by Unknown

Benefits Eat Apple

Apples are a type of fruit is usually red, but there are also apple green and yellow. Her skin was a little soft, hard fruit and have some seeds in it. Besides apples taste good apparently also has properties and health benefits for you.Apples contain vitamin C and are rich in antioxidants. According to the study, the efficacy of this apple can to reduce the risk of lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer as well as the fiber contained in apples can prevent heart disease, weight control, and lowers cholesterol.

Apple seed is slightly toxic because it contains amygdalin, but not harmful to humans. Content full of apples that contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and VITC and there are also a number of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and other elements like phytochemicals, fiber, tannins, baron and acid tartar.

20 benefits and efficacy of apple for health and beauty:

1.Nourish the digestive tract-A study using mice given apple extract and the results are amazing, 43% of mice given apple exposed to lower risk of colon cancer. If the apple extracts have similar effects in rats, humans can also feel a possible effect.

2.Healthy women's breasts-By eating apples regularly a woman's breast cancer can be prevented early on.

3.Healthy liver-Anti-oxidants in apples could protect the liver against cancer, because that can be efficacy apples for healthy hearts.

4.Controlling blood sugar levels-Although apple sweet , apple can control blood sugar levels effectively. It is the same when we observe the efficacy of honey.

5.Lowering cholesterol-By eating 2 apples every its prove can lower cholesterol by 16%.

6.Lose weight-Apple has fiber which can help digestion, so apples are also able to lose weight.

7.Assisting small intestine-Eating apples regularly can prevent constipation and other digestive disorders.

8.Prevent dementia-From a research done from cornell university named for nourishment apple apples contain quercetin, which apparently serves to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

9.Treating anemia-Iron is found in apples can improve hemoglobin in the blood.

10.Returns your stamina-Just as the benefits of eggs, apples can also restore stamina for potassium and enzymes that can relieve fatigue and reduce lactic acid in the body.

11.Restoring the body's fatigue-The balance of the body's health can be obtained by eating apples regularly. If you are experiencing a tired, lethargic and limp then try to eat the apple.

12.Caring your teeth-Your teeth will be clean when often eat apples because the bacteria that damage the teeth can be lost by eating apples.

13.Caring Heart-Apple can treat the heart, and therefore from now consume apples regularly.

14.Prevent and treat arthritis-The content of nutrients in apple is believed to cure rheumatism.

15.Skin health care-The nutrients contained in apple can treat the skin, even skin is not only the body but also can treat the skin so that more people are using apple to cure acne.

16.Treating cell lung cancer-This is proved by studies involving 10,000 people where the people who consumed the apple does not risk lung cancer by 50%.

17.Healthy eyes-Efficacy apple is believed to nourish the eyes.

18.Treat and prevent asthma-According to the study, children were often drink apple juice are not attacked by the disease.

19.Preventing osteoporosis-Old time will be experienced by everyone. For anyone who does not want to suffer from osteoporosis, so from now consume apples because apples can benefit research for treating bone.

20.Educate the brain-In addition to preventing dementia, apples can also educate the brain because it contains acetylcholine in it.

Benefit apple was very extraordinary, besides can prevent and treat diseases.Apple is also very good for beauty care. Why not? as mentioned above can also savor apple slimming, skin care and dental's all a symbol of beauty and taken care of by the women. Conclusion: The efficacy of apple can also create health and beauty.

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Thursday 28 April 2016

Why cats are afraid of water

Posted by Unknown

Why cats are afraid with water??

Cats are one of the most recognizable animal by human.Cats are commonly used as a 'friend' in the house other than dogs. These animals are fun to play but it was fine hairs and can provide a sense of comfort .Not surprised a lot of people who keep cats whether it's expensive or ordinary domestic cats.

But these animals are very uncomfortable with the wet conditions. Apart funny, animals can also be agile and ferocious when trying to catch its prey is mice. Nothing wrong with this animal can inspire a cartoon film of Tom and Jerry.

Various theories about the causes why cats are afraid of water. Although not all of them. But most of cats avoid the water.

6 Reasons Scientific, Why Cats Scared On Water

1.The discomfort of wet condition
   Cats are very uncomfortable with wet condition of their body, if these animals bathed the whole       body  their body will be shaking ,so cats do not like because it makes the body cold.

2.Water is a medium that susceptible bacteria
  Cats have soft fur, dense, and clean because these animals always keep it clean. Cats do not like if    the hairs in wet conditions due to the current wet conditions, a lot of dirt can carry the bacteria easily attached to the cat's fur, so that these animals do not like water.

3.Health reasons
   Why do cats hate water? One reason is the low temperature living beings more prone to various diseases, it also occurs in cats. With water away from the mean of these animals have reduced the risk of disease.

4.Psychological reasons
   Just as with humans, there are some cats that suffer from trauma such as a fall in the river or splashed in the pool resulting psychological trauma can affect the condition of the animal.

5.Can bath itself
   Cat is an animal that can bathe themselves, but cat does not bath like human who use water in considerable amounts. Cats clean or bathe himself by licking all over her body. According to health expert Dr. George Maqshud, cat's tongue does not contain bacteria and germs because they contain lysozyme which works as a cleaner.

6.Maintaining the stability of body temperature
   Cats always avoid sunburn and also avoid water puddles, especially those in the street. 
It aims to maintain the stability of the warmth of his body temperature because bacteria and germs can be easily moved to the cat's body if the body temperature decreases.

These are some of the reasons and causes of cats afraid of water. Pet the cat is fun but keep animals must not carelessly, we must know how to treat it properly so that we can preserve a cat health and growing well.

However, not all cats hate water. There is a kind of cat called Cat Fishing that can only be found in northern India and Southeast Asia, a very good swimmer. This type of cat is able to dive. These cats were also able to go into the water to catch fish.

In addition, there is also a type called Turkish Van cats,very love bathing. This big cat has fur like a cat Kashmir which is not easily wet by water. This type of cat will jump into the bathtub or the lake for a swim. Family cat species such as tigers, lions, jaguars, tigers and jaguars oselot also loved the water. The big cat is capable of swimming and wading in the water just to catch his prey.

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Why Cats scared with cucumber

Posted by Unknown

Here's an explanation of the Experts Why Cats Fear cucumber

Why cats are afraid of cucumbers finally answered. This clarification was required after lately in the world of internet enlivened by videos and pictures that show the cat afraid to cucumbers.The cats jumped in the air, ready to fight, and they will be run after see the cucumber.

The question is, why the cats are afraid of cucumbers? Is their ancestors also had a history of 'hostility' with that green fruit ? LOL...Do not be too quick prejudiced!.Referring to the statement IFL Science, cat is afraid of everything that suddenly slipped behind-including cucumbers.

If the owner of sneaking the pineapple instead, they'll also show the same response startled jump.Animal behavior specialist Dr Roger Mugford said, 'I think that this reaction is caused by something new and unexpected; suddenly there are things that slip when their head is more focused on the food bowl.

Cats have an awareness of what is not known.It can be a cucumber is a representation of a snake or other predator. I suspect they will show the same reaction when encountering a spider toys, plastic fish, or masks of human faces, on the sidelines of their feet, 'added Mugrord. Really? It's time to give it a try!

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Tuesday 26 April 2016

Make money with Clixsense

Posted by Unknown

Clixsense was established in 2007 and operated until now and still more millions of members worldwide and registration is FREE, you do not need to spend a single cent even as the standard to generate money in clixsense.

What is Clixsense?

Clixsense is an advertising program that pays you as a member, to do surving / view ads sponsor and play games, you will get paid per click ads for standard member $ 0.001- $ 0.02 to show about 20 ads per day.

In addition, the number of referrals you recruit is not restricted and also you will get the bonus directly if you are lucky to be the winner by playing the games provided by the Clixsense, bonus is directly inserted into the principal balance of your account, Clixsense payments to members by payment processor PayPal, AlertPay or Liberty Reserve and sending checks to its members worldwide.

Clixsense is one of the sites involved in the business of online business without Spam and is one of the oldest PTC program and highly recommended, launched in February 1997, with the age long enough clixsense still exist and are increasingly popular with the clicker in the world. One advantage of this PTC is the referral bonus you receive up to 8 level, means the chance to get dollars in this PTC is very large.

Clixsense currently at version level PTC-SITE ELITE Investigation. Since 2007 has paid more than $ 1,000,000.00 to the millions of members worldwide, rest assured that Clixsense will be last long because it is not a PTC Scam or Ponzi scam.Clixsense is an affiliate site PTC/ PTSurvey. the largest in the world today, with extension and all legit mandatory the online business to make your income program, this is the secret of making money on the Internet.

What you must have
  • Internet
  • Pc or laptop
  • Payment processor like paypal/alertpay
  • Payment is made through Paypal, Alertpay and also Cheque

In affiliate Clixsense There are 2 types namely Standard and Premium member, what is its difference?

The difference is, for ordinary member or standard ads that appear in only 2-5 ads per day only, sometimes not. If Premium member will show 100 early upgrade, and the next day after the ad click all ads will appear between 4-20 more depending on the location of the State, Profile that is loaded by the Affiliate or on your own.So join to get some money.
Cheers from me & Happy Earning ;)

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Monday 25 April 2016

The japanese success Stories

Posted by Unknown

The Japanese Success Stories

Who has never heard of the country of Japan? Tokyo is the city's number one in Asia and four in the world. Japan is responsible for the creation of instant noodles, which changed the way the whole world to eat. The country is creating new products that are mind boggling. They dominate in many American industries from cars to video games. They are also the world leader in industrial robotics.

The world's population has been horrified by the story of the nuclear bombing of the wrong committed the United States to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Almost ridiculous if it considers that the country has experienced the worst disasters in the history of the creation of the world has become the most successful countries in Asia and respected by the West to advance prosperity and progress.
No one has ever seen pictures of the terrible bombings in the past half century has given this country any chance to 'live' let alone to be as powerful as Japan that we know today.

What is the real secret of residents Rising Sun?

Between all nations in the world, one can say with full confidence that the Japanese people are very diligent. A Japanese worker can perform work normally done by 5-6 people. For example, a worker in Japan can produce a car in 9 days, while workers in other countries need 47 days to make the car worth the same!In college, professors are also common home tonight (appropriately morning), students do not want to make a quick return. Recorded, on average hours worked for employees in Japan is 2450 hours / year, far higher than the United States (1957 hours / year), Britain (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and France (1680 hours / year ).

Japan's population also said they be too strong to work until there is a phenomenon called Karoshi, meaning 'death for hard work'!Japan's population has never given up the black deck on a terrible night in the 20th century. Instead, they work together to form a strong state. Japan's strong economy is not as great creations of the engine, but because the power of the spirit and principles of the right to practice their people.Mahathir over the last decade impress with Japanese residents shy attitude. The Japanese are very shy until their home Windows always closed so as not to be seen. Members of the public are allowed to withdraw their names from the phone book if they want.

Anyone questioning would be considered rude. Another synonymous with shame them is a phenomenon that founded the clan Samurai Harakiri meaning 'suicide by sticking a knife into the stomach',usually due to embarrassment. For example, the minister who resigned after being involved in corruption or it failed to carry out their duties. Shame cause the system to become a regular on the Japanese people.They automatically form a line in any situation required such as the purchase of admission to the stadium to watch football, catch a bus, going to the toilet, too! They are ashamed of the people around when they break the rules or norms that have become common practice. Great, right?

The effects of the industrial revolution and the capitalist system that extends the culture, shopping becomes a favorite of people around the world, especially for woman but not in Japan. Japan's population is practicing anti-consumerist attitude in various spheres of life.For example, Japanese housewives are willing to ride a bicycle to the store vegetables are quite far away from home, just because it is cheaper 20 or 30 yen. Many families in Japan who do not have a car, not because they could not, but because more saving use the bus.

They professor compete with students ride bicycles to school. Residents also like to shop at hypermarkets around 7 and a half hours a night because of that time, the hypermarket will cut prices by half in about half an hour before the close at 8 pm. A good idea, not so?Next, the Japanese nation is quite ahead from other nations in Asia in terms of innovation. They are not very creative to create something, but they turned out to be wise to change the findings of others and then selling it in the form of a demand by the public.

Quite awkward if it comes to innovation without mentioning a figure of Japan is known for. Akio Morita, the CEO of Sony Walkman Sony has developed up until the year 1995 total sales reached 150 million! The story, Cassette Tape is not his invention, but it is owned by Phillip Electronics.Akio talent innovation has transforming the model to something called Walkman, which explodes product for decades. Who never had the Walkman, right?Generally we hear that a company can be considered great if they could make a young graduate working for more than 2 years as generation Y is very like the change of job. Abstinence no benefits or pay more, they will work more hard!

Thats how japanese success stories.

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Posted by Unknown

Langkawi is a combination of the name 'Lang' and 'Kawi'. 'Lang' is taken from the Malay word of the eagle. Once upon a time, Langkawi is said to be home to a number eagle does. Kawi means red heart,because eagles have brown hair hearts and white heads. Kawi also mediators in writing, the writing used by the Javanese Hindu tradition.

In addition, Kawi also refers to a type of rock that Batu Kawi. Batu Kawi is also said to be found in Langkawi. Eagle statue found at Eagle Square when examined, is seen standing above Batu Kawi.'Kawi' in Sanskrit is marble, which he found to be meeting the Malaysian side. When the two words are combined to form the word 'Helangkawi' which later became Langkawi.

Other references found in the book by Tun Mohamed Zahir titled The Legends of Langkawi whose name combines two Sanskrit words- 'langka' (beauty) and 'Wi' (countless).

Myths and legends.

Langkawi is a name that is full of mystery, myth, and legend. Among the legends associated with the name of the place in Langkawi include:
  • Gergasi Bertarung
  • Pulau Dayang Bunting
  • Mahsuri
  • Puteri Dayang Sari
  • Telani and Telanai
  • Geroda and Jentayu
  • Telaga Tujuh


6 districts namely:
  • Kuah
  • Bohor
  • Kedawang
  • Ulu Melaka
  • Ayer Hangat
  • Padang  Matsirat

Which has 99 islands:
  • Pulau Dayang Bunting
  • Pulau Singa Besar
  • Pulau Tuba
  • Pulau Beras Basah
  • Pulau Kentut
  • Pulau Burau
  • Pulau Gasing
  • Pulau Rebak
  • Pulau Datai
  • Pulau Enggang
  • Pulau Intan
  • Pulau Langgun
  • Pulau Dendang
  • Pulau Cholong


From Kuah jetty, there are high-speed ferries that connect Satun in southern Thailand, Pulau Payar, Pulau Pinang, Kuala Kedah and Kuala Perlis on the mainland Peninsular Malaysia. Star Cruises ship docked in the port of Awana Porto Malai in the west of the island.


Langkawi has an international airport, which is quite large, the Langkawi International Airport. Here are the flights to Langkawi:
  • AirAsia (Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Penang, Singapore)
  • Pacific (Bangkok) (Effective January 2007)
  • Flights Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Penang, Singapore)
  • FireFly (Subang, George Town, Penang)
  • Singapore Airlines
  • SilkAir (Singapore)

Langkawi is one of the regions in the state of Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Pulau Langkawi is given tax-free status in 1987.Now, the island is rich in natural beauty and legends of the past this has established itself as one of the most popular tourist destination in Malaysia. Langkawi is an archipelago where the largest island of Langkawi.

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